April 2018 – Stennis Space Center, MS,
Power Dynamics Innovations LLC has been awarded a contract by Conrad Shipyard, Morgan City, LA, for the design and construction of Spud Winches and Winch Controls for the US Army Corps of Engineers, Floating Crane Barge.
The Barge will be used by the Corps’ Rock Island District in support of its maintenance mission on the inland navigation system. The barge is designed with a deckhouse and crew support area, generator room, shop area, office and heads. Below deck will enclose machinery spaces, storage areas and tankage. The vessel will be classified by ABS as Maltese Cross A1, Floating
Crane-Intra-Coastal Waterways Service, and Reinforcement B with Crane Register Certificate.
Carl Liberty, Managing Member of PDI says, “We are extremely thrilled that we have been selected as a supply partner to Conrad for this contract. Conrad’s founding principles of Quality, Craftsmanship, Integrity and Service have served them well over their rich 70-year history and we look forward to a long and mutually beneficial relationship with them in the future.” Liberty adds, “PDI has thirty years of providing successful, cost effective fluid power solutions. We thank Conrad Shipyard for this opportunity to supply our Dynamic Power Winches and Controls TM.” Power Dynamics Innovations LLC is known as a leader in the industry, engineering custom winches, hydraulic power units and pipeline tensioning equipment.
Contact Carl Liberty (228) 689-8580
www.powerdynamicsllc.com www.marinewinches.com www.pdihddrigs.com www.offshorepipelaying.com www.pdiequipment.rentals
Significance of the Project
The Rock Island District’s mission is to deliver vital engineering and water resource solutions in collaboration with their partners to secure our Nation, reduce disaster risk and enhance quality of life, providing value to the region and Nation.
The inland waterway navigation system is essential to the economy of the Midwest and nation. Consequently, one of the Rock Island District’s primary missions given to them by Congress is to maintain navigation and improve channels. The District operates and maintains 582 miles of nine-foot navigation channel and 20 locks and dams that allow for the safe and efficient transport of a wide variety of commodities. Each year, more than 90 million tons of cargo and more than 100,000 boats and barges pass through their locks on both the Mississippi River and Illinois rivers. Therefore, they devote nearly 70 percent of their resources and efforts to operating and maintaining the navigation system.
Emergency Management
The Corps personnel provide immediate and effective all hazard response and recovery assistance to communities within their District and throughout the nation who are impacted by natural or man-made disasters. They ensure District emergency preparedness through flood system inspections, response teams and emergency equipment readiness, customer participation, and continuous planning and process improvements. Past District support includes emergency clearance of debris, restoration of critical public services and facilities, the deployment of flood fight supplies and technical assistance, structural evaluation of buildings, and damage assessment.
The Corps regulatory program ensures that any environmental impact on aquatic resources from construction projects is avoided, minimized, or mitigated. As the lead Corps District for regulatory matters in Iowa and Illinois, they review nearly 1,800 permit requests a year for construction of structures and facilities, and the discharge of dredged and fill material in waterways, wetlands and navigable rivers.
Support for Others
The Corps has the ability to carry out cost-reimbursable work for other federal and state agencies. They provide wetland easement layouts for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, implement flood damage repair for the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, navigation channel maintenance to the U.S. Coast Guard, and provide a variety of additional services to other state and federal agencies, local cities and communities.