PDI designs, engineers and manufactures new Standard and / or Custom Winches, with or without HPU packages. We have a standard line of winch sizes, but can also custom design and fabricate winches to suit our client’s requirements (capacity, line pull, configuration, etc.). These winches can be hydraulically, electrically or mechanically driven.
PDI can re-manufacture “older winches” to meet the needs of our clients, converting old “out of service” winches into productive assets. Our experienced team of specialists can re-power and/or overhaul your existing winches to extend the life of your investment. We can tear down and repair/replace/upgrade components, improve lubrication and return your older equipment to like new condition.
Power Dynamics Innovations is uniquely suited to upgrade and / or refurbish your existing winches. Our design and engineering staff has developed an international reputation for innovative upgrades on major winch manufacturer’s equipment, providing precision component designs, robust assemblies and rugged products. Additionally our engineering staff conducts comprehensive testing to assure all products and components perform to client’s specifications.
Our technicians, fabricators and machinists can refurbish your present equipment, extending their service life for the harsh offshore environment.
In addition to being a major manufacturer and re-conditioner of HYDRAULIC POWERED WINCHES, PDI maintains a service department to repair and troubleshoot client’s component systems, such as winches, gear drives, pumps, motors, tensioners, hydraulic power units, etc. We have experienced service technicians and sales professionals available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to meet our client’s critical needs worldwide.
Installation and setup of PDI designed and manufactured systems and components are very important to our client’s needs. Power Dynamics Innovations can supply technical assistance and service technicians to insure a trouble-free installation and can provide training to our client’s operators and support personnel. We can also provide extensive support after the sale at our customer’s jobsite anywhere in the world.
We build the world’s best winches, not simply by meeting industry standards, but by setting the Standard.
This package was equipped for our client with a new KYB single speed hydraulic drive motor, two band type parking brakes that are spring applied, hydraulically released, winch planetary gear train fully internal to the winch and enclosed in a sealed gear oil bath. The Winch can spool 2500 Ft. of 1 inch wire rope and has a bare drum line pull of 54,000 lbs. @ 28 feet per minute and a full drum line pull of 35,700 lbs. @ 46 feet per minute. Winch has a remanufactured hydraulically driven level wind assembly that is manually controlled from the operator control console. The Hydraulic Power Unit is a 50 HP, 1800 RPM, 60 HZ, 460 VAC, 3 Phase, TEFC, C‐Face powering a Sauer Danfoss Series 90‐130 hydrostatic pump for main winch power and a through drive arrangement powering a pressure compensated pump for brake release and level‐wind control. All are mounted on the “new” winch skid with a drip pan. The Unit is equipped with a carbon steel hydraulic reservoir with charge, pressure and return filtration with an electric driven oil cooler wired into the starter box. Start and stop controls are on the panel door.
The stainless steel operator control console contains a joystick for winch power up and down. A closed loop hydrostatic pump provides hydrostatic braking within movement of the joystick. Additional controls on the console are park brake on/off, levelwind right and left and E‐Stop. Console has a protective cover for when the unit is not in use. An adjustable operator seat is mounted on the skid. For operator safety, pipe frame structure with expanded metal guard is installed forward of the operator console. A two speed motor function could be added; this option would allow the winch motor to be shifted to accomplish twice the line speed and half the line pull. A removable Lexan Polycarbonite enclosure with steel angle iron framing to cover the complete package is another option along with providing 2000 ft. of 1 inch diameter. Non‐Rotating Bridon Dyform 34 with an open spelter socket, installed under tension on the winch drum.
PDI can re-manufacture your “older winches” converting old “out of service” winches into productive assets.